January 27, Kolkata
more time, more consistently spent time together, makes more wonderful things evolve within the contents for the zines
it takes time for some kids to open-up, so we may have nothing made in the first few days and that is okay, we may have nothing made through the workshop time, and that is okay too
the quality of work will also depend on the kind of resources available, so we need to make the nicest things we can make available, available
working on some content together, helps them experience collaboration, helps them enhance their strengths and work around their weaknesses
make the space where the workshop happens, comfortable and safe
be as basic and simple as possible, and take your time to understand the kids’ ways of working and let the kids take their time to understand your ways of working, this will make the time spent together enjoyable
work with the slowest kid in the class and yet keep the fastest one busy with more prompts
explain by doing, making together makes the understanding part much easier
be flexible with all the plans and adapt to the spaces and the people available, simultaneously being very clear about your basic do’s and don’t’s
making friends with the naughtiest kid in the class helps a lot, also almost always they are the exciting ones